星期二, 10月 13, 2015

Man & Boy 男人與男孩


I sold a limited Star Wars toy today, the buyer is a mid-aged uncle (a dad i assumed)
He ran to me, wearing an office shirt and employee badge.

測試完畢 ,他問我還有沒有多一組,因為他朋友也想要

I opened the box and demonstrated for him, he was so excited and seriously follow my instruction.
Job done, he asked me if i have one more to sell, because his friend want it too.


我:「沒有了耶 ,只有這組 」

大叔 :「喔,好吧.... 」

Me: "Sorry, i only have this one"

Uncle:"Oh, okay..."

我懂這種複雜感覺 ,小小失望但卻可以享受待會朋友羨慕的眼光,又有點開心

I knew this kind of complex feeling, disappointed but happy at the same time, because he can enjoy the envy eyes from his friend, he is the only one who owns it!

我小心把包裝包回去 ,親手交給他
大叔露出純真又滿意的微笑離去 ,邊走還盯著手上的盒子....

I packed the toy back carefully, handed over to him.
The guy revealed a pure and satisfied smile, walked back and couldn't stop starring the box

人說的沒錯 :「不管幾歲 ,每位男人心裡都還是住著一個大藍孩 」

People said it right: "No matter what age, there's still a big boy living inside of every men"


It made my day

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